Make Your Vote Count

by | Oct 28, 2022 | Elections

  • Review your selection on the screen before printing your ballot
  • Review your ballot before depositing it into the ballot box at the voting location
  • Voting accuracy is your responsibility


On Thursday, Oct 27 one of our supporters participated in early voting. After reviewing the voting screen, before printing their ballot, they noted that three of their selections were different than they intended. This was most likely an “over” selection as there were two columns of candidates next to each other and it is easy to accidently select other candidates as you move down the second column. As you might imagine, this caused great concern, as it may have been easily missed.

After speaking with a poll watcher and the Elections Administrator, there was no clear answer. It was probable that the voter accidently touched the screen in the wrong column as they were wrapping up the voting process. No way to know for sure.

Key take away – after you vote, review your selection on the screen before printing your ballot, then ensure that you check your printed ballot for accuracy before placing it in the ballot box.  This is a crucial part of the process.

This is being pointed out as other counties have had voting integrity issues. We know of at least one county where an independent sample indicated that some votes were not recorded, and other votes were not for the party they intended.

Having said that, historical voting in Bastrop County has been extremely accurate. It has been tested on several occasions in the last two years. See our Election Integrity blog for details. There is no reason to believe the accuracy of Bastrop County elections has changed, BUT you must be diligent. That includes you voting accurately, checking your vote each step of the way, and questioning unusual or strange trends.

You should immediately notify the election judges and/or poll watchers at the voting location if you have concerns and contact our Elections Administrator for disposition. She may be reached at or at the Elections Administration office at (512) 581-7160.


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